Chief Advisor – Te Ao Māori & Social Innovation 

Ezekiel Raui

General Manager of Skills International Bridget Dennis

“Ko Mātai te Maunga tapu.

Ko Hokianga te Moana Nui.

Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua me Māmari ōku Waka.

Ko Ruanui raua ko Nukutawhiti ōku Rangatira.

Ko Motukaraka te Marae.

Ko Ngāi Tūpoto te Hāpu.

Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi.

Ko Ezekiel Raui tōku ingoa.”

From humble beginnings to advising on a regional, national, and international scale, Ezekiel Raui is no stranger to thinking big. Bringing with him a wealth of knowledge in leadership and business development, suicide prevention, youth development, and Māori development, Ezekiel enjoys bridging the gap between western and Māori knowledge to find socially and environmentally innovative solutions to real-world problems.

Ezekiel has been appointed by cabinet to a number of review and advisory panels and committees, and has contributed to strategic initiatives focussed on refining government funding approaches and models, establishing whānau and learner-centred approaches to wellbeing, and embedding Te Ao Māori into the workforce. 

 As our Chief Advisor – Te Ao Māori and Social Innovation, he is excited to work alongside organisations nationally and internationally to improve their social, environmental, and cultural commitments and outcomes.

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